Season 4, Episode 7 (#109 overall)
Cayuga Production # 4855
Originally aired 2/14/1963
Fair was Elly Glover
Dark was Jess-Belle
Both they loved the
same man
And both they loved
him well.
On Valentine’s Day exactly fifty years ago, The Twilight Zone returned to Appalachia to present a bewitching
tale of lust, love and tragedy.
Earl Hamner Jr.’s “Jess-Belle” opens with good ol’ boy Billy Ben
Turner popping the question to his sweetheart, Ellwyn Glover, during a barn
dance. Casting a bit of a shadow on the
proceedings is Jess-Belle Stone (a previous conquest of Billy Ben’s), who
suggests that Elly shouldn't buy that wedding dress just yet. Yup, sounds like a triangle all right, and it
sounds like Jess-Belle’s planning to stir up some trouble.


A literal roll in the hay.

I must mention that Anne Francis
is impossibly hot, even more so with that jet black hair (sigh). We last saw her in season one’s “The After Hours.” And hey, Forbidden Planet alert! Francis was delicious to behold as Altaira in the 1956 sci-fi classic whose imagery and props frequently pop up on The Twilight Zone.

There’s a great scene in act
three in which Jess-Belle encounters Elly in a meadow, picking flowers (I
imagine birds and mice help her get dressed in the morning, like the Disney princesses she strongly evokes), and the claws come out:
“Lots of wildflowers
around here. Saw a patch of old maid’s fern up on the mountain.”
“I notice a lot of vixenwort
around here myself.”
Oh, snap. Cat fight!
“Jess-Belle” is chock full o’ TZ
alumni. James Best (Billy Ben Turner)
appears for his third and final episode (we saw him in season two’s “The Grave”
and season three’s “The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank”). Jeanette
Nolan, last seen in season three’s “The Hunt,” is excellent as Granny Hart. The town minister is played by Jon Lormer in
his fourth and final TZ appearance (we saw him in season one’s “Excecution,”
season two’s “Dust,” and in season three’s “The Last Rites of JeffMyrtlebank”). Luther Glover, Ellwyn’s
father, is played by George Mitchell in his third of four TZ appearances (we saw him in
“The Hitch-hiker” and “Execution” in season one, and we’ll see him again in season
five’s “Ring-a-Ding Girl”). Ossie Stone,
Jess-Belle’s beleaguered mother, is played by Virginia Gregg, who will return
for “The Masks” in season five.
And finally, Obed Miller is
played by Jim Boles, who also appeared in season three’s “The Arrival.”
Thank cue (groan).
Nathan Van Cleave contributes a
perfectly serviceable score (some cues of which are reminiscent of his earlier
“Perchance to Dream” and “A World of Difference” scores), but what’s really
memorable is the original song (music by Van Cleave, lyrics by Earl Hamner, Jr.), gradually interwoven throughout the episode one
verse at a time. Note that each verse
shares its title with the corresponding cue; however, I prefer to think of the
collective song as, simply, “The Ballad of Jess-Belle.” I've gone ahead and pieced the verses
together for your listening enjoyment:
“Jess-Belle” is one of the better
offerings of TZ’s fourth season, elevated considerably by Anne Francis’s
tortured performance in the lead. And
did I mention there’s a real live leopard?
Next week: Robert Duvall finds a tiny little soul mate.
Earl Hamner's best TZ by leaps and bounds.
Hi Craig,
thanks for the extensive informations, you are a real TZ-Geek! One Question: What does 'vixenwort' mean? Google gives just 4 useless hits + your site. Could it be the highly poisonous Digitalis (also called 'Foxgloves')? This would fit!
Best greetings from Germany, Ralf
I would start tickling and playing with the sexy feet of both Jesse-Belle and Elly Glover right away!!
Amazing commentary on "Jess Belle"! One of the greatest Twilight Zone episodes. But who am I kidding? ALL of them are great!!
This is a good, solid episode. And yet it’s one that I’m just not too enthusiastic about, for some reason. Perhaps it’s because the rural, backwoods setting doesn’t really doesn’t have a Twilight Zone sort of feel to it. Or perhaps it’s because I thought the plot was a bit pedestrian. To anyone who is familiar with spooky stories; it plays out just how you think it will. You can pretty much guess what is going to happen right from the beginning. Perhaps my opinion will change upon additional viewings, but for now I’ll say it’s a decent episode, but not one of my favourites at all.
Jess-Belle (yep, nice play on “Jezebel”) is a tragic figure, and I really don’t think she deserves what she got. Seems like she was used by Billy Ben as a sort of sexual plaything, and when he got tired of her he just dropped her, with no warning or explanation, for the rich girl. And there’s Jess-Belle left all alone, still in love but with no prospects for a happy future at all. No wonder she went to see Granny---who then promptly screwed her over for no good reason.
I don’t know if Jess-Belle transformed into a leopard or a jaguar, but neither animal was ever native to Appalachia. Would have made more sense for her to transform to a big cat native to the eastern US ---possibly a bobcat or a mountain lion. Neither animal, however, would have been nearly as visually impressive as the spotted cat seen in the episode.
One question - I can’t find anywhere the name of the female singer who sang the introductory songs to the segments! Her voice was lovely. Does anyone know who that singer was?
I recently read that the original script called for a tiger, and they tried quite a few, but none would do what they needed. So they switched to a leopard, who easn’t easy to work with either, but was drugged sufficiently to cooperate.
Terrea Lea
Thank you!🙏🏻
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