Sunday, November 22, 2009

Profile in Plastic, Part 2

Shockingly enough, it appears that people are actually reading this blog. As I write this, my counter stands at 320. Nothing impressive, but it seems the right people are reading it. Case in point: my post from last week, in which I mooned like a love-smitten teenage girl over the Twilight Zone bobble-heads and forthcoming action figures from Bif Bang Pow!, was read by none other than Jason Lab (which may or may not be a pseudonym for Jason Lenzi, the company's founder and CEO) from… you guessed it, Bif Bang Pow! Further, he responded to basically every point and question I brought up in that post, in a series of Twitter, um… Tweets, I guess they're called, all dated 11/20/2009:

* Great post Craig. Answers to follow... http://mylifeintheshadowoft...

* The Twilight Zone Mystic Seer and Invader bobbleheads were released on time at Comic-Con 2009, but quickly sold out.

* Re-orders of Mystic Seer and Invader arrived yesterday, and are now in stock and shipping at

* Talky Tina had a slight delay, but is now finished and is on a boat from China to Los Angeles. Updated ETA is the second week of December.

* The next bobble head in the Twilight Zone line is...not ready to be announced yet, but I love the suggestions at

* Twilight Zone action figures will initially be in black and white. They will not be 12-inch. We can't reveal the actual size just yet.

* Rod Serling Twilight Zone action figures and bobble heads will not be made due to issues out of our control (not due to the sculpts).

* Everyone has their favorite Twilight Zone episodes and characters, including us. Production will be based on a few factors... including popularity, "coolness", top episodes, ability to sell units, the approval process, and a few other factors. We take suggestions!

First of all, I'm stunned and amazed that my post was addressed and responded to in such detail. So… thanks, Jason (sheesh, you linked back to my blog TWICE!). Second, I owe Bif Bang Pow! an apology for falsely assuming that their first two bobble-heads (The Invader and The Mystic Seer) were delayed. I guess I just missed 'em the first time around (I won't miss them again, damn it… I've already ordered two of each from Entertainment Earth). Third…

…I can't deny that I'm devastated that there won't be a Rod Serling bobble-head or action figure. I understand that it's out of their hands, and I'm sure they did everything they could to secure the rights. Why am I sure? Because in a post earlier this year (2/27/09 to be exact), Mr. Lenzi stated that "most exciting of all, for the first time, we'll be bringing the world 3D representations of the man himself, Rod Serling. Serling is one of my personal heroes, and I couldn't be more excited about this property." So it was clearly planned, and those plans fell through. CBS owns the rights to the show, but I assume Carol Serling (Serling's widow) owns his likeness rights and wouldn't grant Bif Bang Pow! permission. His face was used on a postage stamp; Christ, why not this? I dunno, maybe she wanted too much money...? I'm presuming she's the block; Jason, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Fourth, I am DYING to see what the action figure line holds. And yes, I will buy every single Twilight Zone item Bif Bang Pow! releases.

I said before that Twitter is for teenagers, and I'll be 40 in 5 days. But you know what? I need TZ-related information as fast I can possibly get it. I may have to join the masses and start Tweetin'.

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