Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rag Status, Fall 2011 Edition

Longtime readers (all 2 of you) will recall that, early on in the life of this blog, I was endeavoring to recollect all 61 issues of Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone Magazine (60 regular issues and 1 special annual edition), which was published from 1981 to 1989 (I say recollect because at one time I had a complete set, which I sold off years ago in leaner times, probably the late 90's after my first divorce). I decided to go the extra mile and collect TWO sets (a "master archive" set in pristine or near-pristine condition, and a backup "utility" set for casual reading, as detailed here), but abruptly halted my efforts because of some, ahem, anger issues resulting from several last-minute eBay auction losses. At last count, my master archive set was missing a scant three issues, and my utility set was missing fourteen.

As of a few days ago, I acquired one of the final three issues for my master archive set... on eBay, but using a "Buy It Now" option (no bidding necessary). Ladies and gentlemen.... August 1983!

The coveted final two issues are April 1989 and August 1988:

I can't find a reasonably-priced copy of April 1989 without a subscription label, and August 1988 is just hard to find, period. I have multiple copies of both, but none in good enough condition to make the master archive. Alas, the search continues....

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