Saturday, October 2, 2021

4x10 "Quarantine Confidential: Live, Unedited and Uncouth"

 Have you ever wondered what the show might sound like with NO editing whatsoever? Like, NONE. And no script, either. No, really. We’re talking a solid hour of off-the-cuff yammering from host Craig with ZERO pre-planning (and zero production value). Listen... if you dare.  

Stephanie Griffin’s Siren Song Stitchery, where awesome stuff comes to three-dimensional-hand-sewn life:  

Kilian Melloy’s magnificent short story “The Boundary” (which he dedicated to me, of all people):  

Kilian Melloy (Edge Media Network) interviews yours truly about The Outer Limits on Blu-ray (from 2018):  

The TZ Season 1 “Eye Intro” saga:  

Pick up bare•bones magazine #6 (Spring 2021), which includes my first published article (I Am Controlling Transmission: The Outer Limits on Home Video):  This issue also features an article by David J. Schow about Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine, so it’s doubly desirable. $9.95 and it’s yours.  Hell, order several copies and give ‘em to your friends as gifts.  

The Twilight Zone is a trademark of CBS, Inc.  

Between Light and Shadow: A Twilight Zone Podcast is a nonprofit podcast. Music clips and dialogue excerpts used herein are the property of their respective copyright owners; we claim no ownership of these materials. Their use is strictly for illustrative purposes and should be considered Fair Use as stated in the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. section 107.   

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