Sunday, November 5, 2017

2x13 Special Report: Richard Matheson's 'Prey'

This time around we deviate (almost) completely from The Twilight Zone to examine Richard Matheson’s short story “Prey,” which MAY have been inspired by Matheson’s earlier “The Invaders.” Voice actor Karen Cenon lends us her talents for a dramatic reading of Matheson’s story, after which Craig faces yet another series of lashings for errors committed in past episodes.

Check out Karen Cenon as E.R.I.S. in The Haven Chronicles:

Opening music: “Neither Here nor There (Zuni variant)” by Twin Loops

“Moo-Wy-Yeh,” “Hee-le-lee Song,” “Ha-Ha-Wu Dance,” “Rain Dance Song” and “Harvest Dance Song” by Leo Quetawki (from the album Zuni: Traditional Songs from the Zuni Pueblo, copyright 2004 by Canyon Records)

“Fast Comanche Dance” by Leslie Shebala (from the album Zuni: Traditional Songs from the Zuni Pueblo, copyright 2004 by Canyon Records)

“Herbal” by Simon Boswell (from the Hardware Limited Edition soundtrack, copyright 2014 by Flick Records)

The Twilight Zone is a trademark of CBS, Inc.

Between Light and Shadow: A Twilight Zone Podcast is a nonprofit podcast. Music clips and dialogue excerpts used herein are the property of their respective copyright owners; we claim no ownership of these materials. Their use is strictly for illustrative purposes and should be considered Fair Use as stated in the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. section 107. 

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