Friday, June 4, 2010

TZ News Flash: Twilight Zone: Season 1 blu-ray Officially Announced!

Image Entertainment has officially announced that The Twilight Zone: Season 1 will be released on blu-ray on September 14. The disc will be comprised of 5 discs and will include all the supplements from the Definitive Edition DVDs, plus "much newly-created material" (per The Digital Bits). Suggested Retail Price is $99.98, but it can pre-ordered through for $74.99.

Here's the cover. I'm not sure I like it yet.

It looks too.... I dunno... blue. Arctic, almost. It kinda reminds me of a slow globe. I vastly prefer the Definitive Edition DVD cover:

Cosmetics aside, what's really important here is that the entire first season (the other four will presumably follow at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later) will be available in full 1080p high definition. I'll be the first to say that the existing Definitive DVDs look amazing, but they'll look markedly better in HD. Needless to say, I'm all over it.

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