Friday, February 26, 2010

TZ Promo: "Mirror Image" (2/26/1960)

She's an ordinary girl, waiting impatiently for a bus on a rainy night. Sounds normal enough... but it's not. Something's askew. Something indefinable, something suspicious, something.... frightening.

Vera Miles (Janet Leigh's concerned sister in Hitchcock's Psycho) is brilliant as Milicent Barnes, who is at the center of what amounts to nothing short of an existential nightmare, in Serling's "Mirror Image." Martin Milner, probably best known from TV's Adam 12, co-stars. The direction by John Brahm is simple yet well-staged The bus terminal feels confined, uncomfortable, which heightens the mood considerably.

"Mirror Image" is one my top 40 favorite episodes of all time, so I'm quite excited about watching it tonight on its 50th anniversary.

Some years back I acquired a really nice glossy 8x10 of Vera Miles, a publicity still from this episode. It's not currently in my possession, but not because I lost it.... it was mailed to Ms. Miles two weeks ago, with a letter requesting that she autograph it. If and when I get it back (fingers crossed), you can bet I'll be posting a special entry spotlighting it.

On the subjects of autographed 8x10s, I received something utterly spectacular in the mail today. I'll elaborate in a day or two....

Next week: They're your neighbors, your friends. Or are they? What if someone close to you isn't who they claim to be? What if they aren't even from this world...? Who can you trust? Watch your back... and stay tuned.

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