Monday, March 15, 2010

TZ Spotlight: Hallmark Valentine's Day Card (2005)

I spotted this little oddity on eBay a few weeks back, and snagged it without thinking twice. As I waited for it to arrive, I found myself questioning the validity of the item, since my internet searches turned up virtually no information on it. I half-suspected it to be a homemade custom job (a variation on the existing Hallmark TZ card, reviewed here), but when it showed up in the mail, I was quite pleased. It's the real deal.

The copyright year is 2005 and, as far as I know, the card only appeared that year. It contains the exact same sound chip as Hallmark's TZ birthday card (which can be customized on their website), which plays the familiar Marius Constant theme in its entirety when the card is opened. Although I typically eschew the color red, I can't deny that it really pops against the deep glossy black on the card's front. And I must admit, the actual greeting is kinda cute (albeit highly feminine). But my favorite aspect of this little gem can be found on the back of the card: it's our friend The Invader, holding a box of chocolates! Brilliant! If he'd shown up at Agnes Moorehead's house bearing chocolates instead of his laser gun, things between them might have ended on a much more romantic note.

Here's hoping Hallmark makes more Twilight Zone-themed greeting cards. I'll happily snatch them up for my ever-growing TZ scrapbook.

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